memes analyzed
in mikrocoin
power level
much stats, very impressive
ser, look at these numbars… they only go up! 📈
MikroCoin Holdings
42,069 MKC
memes analyzed
Average Buy Price
ser, we bought the dip
IQ Added
iq points gained
Daily Meme Production
Over 9000
quality mikromeme content/day
Copium Level
bullish on fundamentals
Diamond Hand Score
hodling since 1337 AD
Meme Economy Impact
Much Wow
creating value in spoderman metrics

much feature, very wow
ser, we got all the tools to make u rich (not financial advice) 🚀

Diamond Hands
HODL technology powered by pure copium

Big Brain Analytics
analyze memes with AI (Artificial Ignorance)

Moon Detection
get notified wen lambo incoming

Rocket Science
calculate exact time to buy high sell low

Mikro Metrics
numbers only go up (trust me bro)

Meme Economy
very financial, much indicators
Abut Us (very serious business) ðŸŽ
At MikroStrategee, we believe in buying teh dip with corporate moni. Our mission is to hodl and prosper, bringing much wow and many stonks to our investors.